Two Men and a Dragonfly
03 April 2012
Some signs are so wonderful, you can't help but believe.
When I keep my senses open, Annie's messages find their way to me, especially when I'm needing them most. We're days away from her being gone two years. I decided to take flowers to her tree in Old Settlers'Park. I had meant to take the flowers the week before, but time got away from me. When I arrived, I stared at yet another message...a giant dragonfly kite was flying around Annie's tree.
Two young men were kite-flying. It was a fine day; I couldn't quite believe it, but there it was. After taking pictures, putting the flowers by the tree, and spending a bit of time watching and thinking of Annie, I decided to tell the two guys a story about their kite.
They were so kind. I explained to them that I lost my daughter almost two years ago; how I decided to come today, a week late, to bring flowers; and that she had a dragonfly tattoo which is why I collect dragonfly items. They expressed their condolences and then asked me if I wanted to fly the kite. It was an unexpected, gentle gesture; I was surprised...I said, "Oh no, I'll crash it." But the young man holding the kite assured me I wouldn't and handed the string-filled spool to me. What an amazing feeling. The kite pulled my hands as if Annie were taking me for a looked so alive and vibrant against the blue sky. I said, "Hi Annie!" The feeling of her being at the other end of the kite momentarily materialized. I became a little verklempt and handed back the reel. I thanked them so much for being there to give me my message from Annie.
There were several angels around me that day--not just above or invisible, but in the form of two kind young men and a dragonfly kite.